
Opened the door on to a wonderland this morning, grabbed camera and wandered about for ages, wish I could show you all the photos; Mike had to choose for me in the end. I did go out later and pull up some of these weeds, but it always seems a shame...

GOODNESS, by Kathleen Norris

Despite our good deeds,
the chatter
of our best intentions,
our many kindnesses,
God is at work
in us, close
to the bone,
past the sinews
of our virtues, to the marrow
we cannot feel,
the sudden, helpless tears
when we know what we are,
and can go on.

- the incredible beauty of spider webs, such craft! there was one about a metre wide draped across the entrance to our house this morning, and dotted everywhere across the grass and the trees, outlined in sparkling dew drops - and all done in one night, it really is hard to believe
- reading poetry in bed after a good nap and a swallow swooping into the room twice
- standing up from the dinner table and seeing a hoopoe right under the window, unperturbed, strutting about, spreading out its crest

* Except that Benedictions means spoken (diction) blessings, and these were all given in "thunderous silence".

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