Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


Picked these up on Friday from the woman who is helping the Hmong flower farmers at the Pike Place Market.   Last year she raised a lot of money for them that they couldn’t get themselves  because the market was closed….it’s a little bit open now but the numbers of tourists and buyers aren’t there.  And the tulips don’t know that. They keep growing.  Bought them for the other 6 in our condo that are here now.    In the morning light at my puzzle table.

Today we walked some wetlands at Magnusen Park  (Can you see I”m a little tired of our same neighborhood walk every day?) with my camera set on manual focus with the viewfinder only…well..they were pretty much rubbish…will practice a bit more… I’ve gotten lazy with the iPhone (in extra to record another gorgeous day) but my goal is to use the camera more creatively.  

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