Bridge Over the River Degebe

On the way back from Évora today (Mike needed more steel for the gate and other bits), we went off the road to wander round the old Albardão bridge over the Degebe River (which flows into our Lake). When we first came here, it was still the only bridge. Built in the early 20thC, it could only take one one way traffic, and has two 90 degree curves, and as there were about 3,900 vehicles a day, there were a lot of accidents, many fatal. 

I remember stopping to let a very young Zion watch all the big machines building the new bridge. Anyway, it's much faster and safer - but not near as attractive. The river, full of water, looked very beautiful, snaking off between the rocks.

- seeing there was what looked like a decent film on in the cinema, decided to see it - five or so of us in there, so we weren’t breathing on each other... it was Nomadland, which we'd never heard of, here is a review, not exactly uplifting, but very beautiful and thought provoking, definitely worth watching
- chatting with Allegra, her showing me her new book about "Carnival of the Animals", by Saint-Saëns, thanks to Paul
- Mike's bread, fresh out the oven, with good cheese and sweet tomatoes

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