The Arty Look

Here we are in Bath with a camera card full of iconic pictures of The Circus houses and the little lanes of cafes and artisan shop selling goods the like of which I have never seen north of the border, and I post a blip of his Lordship's bow tie.

What am I thinking? Well, the usual picture of the Georgian houses in the Circus, I posted about 4 years ago on Blipfoto, and so I consider I've been there and done that, although it's still one of my favourite blips.

It's interesting to note that whilst I felt that my Barbour jacket would feel at home here in well heeled Wiltshire, His Lordship thought the arty look with a Shetland bow tie and tweed jacket would allow him to fit in with the natives: a full shock of white hair would have been a bonus, but the beard will have to do.

It is also interesting to note that it is raining again in this fair place; not good Scottish rain when it would be foolhardy to venture forth with out a brolly or rain hood into a stinging rain blown at an angle face wards, but an altogether gentler apology from a general miasma of mist and mugginess: no hats required and several layers of clothing removed to accommodate an extra few degrees in temperature.

We have chosen the wrong weekend as far as weather goes to saunter through the highways and byways amongst the tourists, but we have loitered here in previous years in such heat as would warrant some cooling rain.

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