Ailie at Spylaw

Ailie and I were due to walk today but it had to be somewhere not stoney or rocky or too hard for my foot. (I have 3 grades of pain - sore, painful, excruciating). It was sore and I’m hobbling but at least we got a walk in sunshine with lovely views to Harewood Forest in the west and the coast to the east.

I read my book while rolling my frozen tin of beans with the sore foot. I really think this and the Achilles stretches are helping.

Val called in the afternoon. She had her heart scan yesterday and feels glad that’s done. We had a cup of tea in the garden.

Jenny from Fife is thinking of visiting when she’s allowed in the house. Nicola said last night if things go well we can go in houses on 17 May. We aren’t sure if it is allowed though for her to stay overnight. We haven’t seen each other since last summer.

#3 daughter had booked a house near Bungay in north Suffolk for a week for the 10 of us. It’s not as expensive as the other places we’d seen before and it means they can visit old school friends the following week. As we can. (We lives in Suffolk for over 20 years) I’m so glad the daughters will get a break- Mr C and I will certainly need one after spending a family week!

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