New reality day 267

Evening walk.

It's been a nice day. Except for my allergies. It's been horrible 2 days with that. I went to the pharmacy and they sold me a cortisone nasal spray and that seems to help. Thank goodness. I could not be at work with nose running like a faucet and sneezing 100 times an hour. I was getting to be desperate.

P from previous work visited. We sat outside in the greenhouse. Drunk tee. It's was nice and sunny. About 20°C in the greenhouse. Also the air is more humid there so it's easier to breath for me. We had such a nice chat and gossip or whatever one could call it.

We've tried to make today also good for Amadeus. He's slept more today. But also had some nice time in the backyard when he is so engaged and sharp. These moments don't last more than 10 minutes at a time, but it's so good to see him enjoy life. Every day we're afraid that we've been selfish and we should have let him go sooner. It's really hard to choose and plan the moment to let go. So far we've been thinking we have set the correct date. But everyday we fear we are keeping him in pain and suffering. We keep him on his maximum medication along the day to hopefully keep the pain away steadily.

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