
For the first time ever last Autumn I bought tulips from a brochure called Thompson and Morgan And they have all been fabulous. I love these delicate pink ones and I have also got red and yellow ones who’s heads look like peony roses. Beauts.

Monday is a big day for us Scots cos non essential shops , cafes and restaurants and bars OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!! There are other stuff too like Dave’s work opens up - he’s been furloughed since October.

Sitting Indoors eating oh man I cannot wait to get this pleasure back. Whoever would have told me in 2019 that we would have a situation where it was banned to be inside eating and drinking would have been scoffed at !

We were going to be at Hinterland for scrambled eggs on toast for their opening but laura informed us that we have to take Cameron to the hospital for his appt. the food will wait.

I found ear exercises on You Tube for clearing the Eustachian tube - whoever knew such a thing existed!

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