Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Really it's a thing.  Kind of like ornitherapy only with chipmunks.  I got a good dose of both today which has been very helpful in keeping me calm.  I also had a nice long talk with my parents this morning, followed by phone calls with two special women in my life.  And then some time with the birds and Stumpy the chipmunk.  

I am as ready as I can be for tomorrow.  It will be a long day, but I will be asleep for most of the icky stuff.  In truth, it will be harder for my parents and Hubs who will be waiting, unable to do anything to move things along.  I hope to be home by 4 tomorrow afternoon and I even have a very simple blip all planned.  I can't promise that anything I write tomorrow will be even remotely coherent, but I'll do my best.

I want to thank each and every person who has shared their stories with me, who have offered prayers and positive thoughts, who've sent chocolate and other self care gifts.  I feel like I have so much support going into this journey that it can't possibly not turn out well.  

So continue to be safe, continue to be the kind people that I know you to be, and if some chocolate should find its way into your mouth, so much the better.


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