Appealing Decay

This dilapidated old structure has caught my eye a few times. Last spring I photographed it and nothing turned out (partly due to the tall fence around it). I couldn't get my eye to the view finder and get the camera over the fence, hence weird angles etc. But this trip I was in luck. The snow was so deep next to the fence, that the fence only came up to my waist. Lesson here: snow is actually good for something...

I wish I new anything about this structure. A little history here would probably be nice. But all I can tell you is that it appears to be holding up the road. Scary. The two lane backcountry road goes right over the top/back-side of this. My guess is that they needed to build the structure to keep the road level as it wraps around the steep hill. The stone area of the structure seems to do that. Then the brick looks like it was once a building attached to the stone. That part is mostly gone now and they have unattractive metal bars holding the brick in place. Again, a guess, but if they let the brick fall it may compromise the part holding up the road. (??) Are you as confused as I am now? More confusion...

Whatever it's function, I find it attractive in a ancient sort of way.

It was a nice sunny day and stayed light after 7:00pm! Spring must be around the corner. :-)

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