Indecent Exposure

By Mahf00d

HA! Greeeeeeeeeeeeey!

Woke up fine, surprisingly. Made it to the bus, went to uni and sat in the darkroom waiting for people to turn up and collect stuff. It then hit me like a fucking truck, the hangover that is. That was my second encounter with the Delayed Onset Hangover, and it's one sneaky bastard. No amount of egg and bacon can cure this.

Needless to say, I failed to pay attention in the 1pm lecture despite the lecturer talking important shit about exams and the assignment due for Monday (which I had yet to start), and was generally feeling miserable (the weather wasn't helping for sure).

Eventually I settled, and I managed to do an hour's worth of work which would have been fine had I not spent 4 hours on it.

Now my plan was to be in bed by 11pm ready for a fresh session of working on the assignment tomorrow, ended up watching Demetri Martin videos on YouTube (who I recommend thoroughly) until 1:30. I seem to be fucking my sleep over and then complain that I am tired all the time. Well no shit!

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