One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

It's behind you!!!!

Not just for her...

It's behind me too. Half a decade. Five years.
1825 days that will never come back (and for a small percentage of them, I would call that a good thing).

Gone... but not forgotten!

Thanks to this little oasis of internet kindness and positivity when the norm is sensationalism and anonymous odiousness to one another.

5 years worth of my family life, that will not vanish completely (unless the Cloud fucks up big time and decides to evaporate*)
Thank you Joe and all the gang at Blipfoto.
You've helped me to die a little less every day.

Thanks a million to all the other members of the sect, those for whom "blip" is a verb, a noun, a way of life, an obsession, a purpose and not just a silly onomatopoeia.
Thanks for being part of my life.
Thanks to my family for being a never-ending subject of fascination, admiration, irritation and inspiration.
Thanks to all the people over the years who have accepted to let me photograph them (and a few who haven't)
Thanks Dublin for being such a shit cool place to live in, no matter what Mrs Raheny says!

Blip on, dudes!

* that said, I have screen capture backups of most of my blips, I am the ultimate backup nerd

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