Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Happy Day

I have been fretting to Hubs for the last few days that I hadn't yet seen our first hummingbird.  And no sign of bluebirds in our garden either.  Well, still no bluebirds, but while I was sitting in the garden today I heard the distinctive buzz of wings behind me.  On high alert, I got my camera and parked myself in a good vantage point, knowing if I waited long enough, I'd see it.  Wings whirring at up to 75 beats per second, in he came, hovering a few inches from a feeder, posing just long enough for me to fire a few shots.  I have a hunch he's been here a few days, based on the level of the nectar in the feeder.  He hasn't started perching over the feeder yet, so he is coming in for fast drinks and then off again.

It was just the boost I needed today.  I'm feeling a bit more uncomfortable that I did yesterday so I've tried to take it easier.  Also resorted to stronger meds.  I expect I'll be much better tomorrow.  I just did a bit too much yesterday.

I was sitting out in a patch of sun this morning when my emotions really kicked in.  It occurred to me that since being diagnosed just over 3 weeks ago, I've been totally focused on surgery and getting the damned thing out of me.  I don't think I have really taken time to process the fact that I have cancer.  Granted, not one that is going to kill me, but still cancer, still scary.  So now I have to let myself think about it, work it out, own it.  And because I'm a gal who needs goals, I've marked my calendar for April 26, 2026 - the day when I will be medically considered to be a cancer survivor.  In the meantime, I'll consider myself a warrior.  

Speaking of warriors, little Stumpy the chipmunk now has a rival - the chippie who lives in the garden next to the house (Xena) is out and about and she's not happy about having Stumpy around all day cadging peanuts.  It's actually pretty funny to watch the competition for peanuts between the chipmunks and the blue jays.  It seems that 4 or 5 blue jays are hanging around - they are very bold and recognize the sound of a peanut hitting the patio which makes me think they may be the same group that was here last summer.  That's what I'd like to think.

The female grosbeak is still here and no sign yet of any males.  She's eating her fill, though, so that's good.  This species breeds in our area and all the way up into Canada so I'm not sure if she's staying or just on a layover.  

Well, I'm rambling a bit today.  I actually find writing very helpful in terms of just getting my head around things.  

And good grief!  I am up in my second floor sanctuary and I just noticed the grosbeak on the feeder on my window - not 3 feet from where I am sitting.  She is stunningly beautiful when viewed this close. Little gifts from the universe.  

If you're still reading, treat yourself to a chocolate or something.  And continue to be kind and stay safe.  


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