Day 405 The first of May

This morning I had yet another hospital visit for a further dressing change.  As they had to fit me in, it was at 8.45am.  Not that unearthly an hour you might say, but my sleep pattern is a bit off so I've often been awake at 4.30am and sound asleep again well before 8am.  My consultant was asked to pop in and inspect my progress and it was agreed that the medical adhesive skin damage is definitely on the mend.  I was also able to ask him about front thigh pain which has plagued me for a couple of days and he quickly over ruled the advice given by the ward nurse not to take Naproxen while taking the low dose aspirin..  This evening and a couple of my fave tablets later I feel much better.
On the way home from the hospital we stopped at St John's Pond.  I just took a few phone pics and have given this one a DeepArt effect to jazz it up a bit as the area is not quite 'there' yet leaf and green wise..  The water levels are just about ok at the moment but rain is definitely needed as Mr MC has testified when he has attempted to dig the garden.

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