A Sermon On Faith And A Test Of Our Faith In God

We never know what a Sunday morning at FBC will bring.  Today was no exception.  After preparing our hearts through worship and praise songs lead by Ben and Daniel and a choir special that stirred our spirits, Brother David spoke to us from Romans 8 regarding faith.  He told us six things that are true about those who have put their faith in God: 1) No charge can be brought against those who have faith, 2) No condemnation can come upon those who have faith, 3) No evil can befall those who have faith,.4)No good thing will be with-held from those who have faith, 5) No power can separate those who have faith from the love of God and 6) Nothing can compare to the glory that awaits those who have faith in God.  It was an encouraging sermon and then we got the equivalent of a "pop quiz" as our Children's Pastor shared with the congregation the news that he had been invited to preach in three weeks at a church in Crockett in view of a call as their senior pastor which means he will be leaving us.  That will be hard on us, but if we, as a church body, truly put our faith in God Who works all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose, then we can have faith  that He will meet the needs of this church in Crockett and our church's needs, as well........We don't know what tomorrow holds, but we know Who holds tomorrow.....

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