A time for everything

By turnx3


A beautiful sunny and mild day today. We did jobs around the house in the morning, then went out walking at Sharon Woods in the afternoon. The mild temperatures had enticed quite a number of people outside and it was a popular place to be. We walked the full loop around the lake, and through the gorge and back. I had taken a few pictures, but nothing very exciting. We had returned to the car and Roger was feeding an address into the Nav and I was sitting looking out the window, when this hawk flew into the neighboring tree. I snapped a couple of shots through the open window, then I gingerly got out of the car, and was able to get a few more a little closer, before he flew off, quite low, over the car park - an unexpected treat.
I'm thinking it's a Cooper's hawk, but I'm no expert on birds of prey, so can anyone confirm or correct me?

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