New reality day 284

Sinivuokko (in Finnish)
Hepatica nobilis or Anemone hepatica.

Sign of spring. According to signature doctrine developed in the Middle Ages, blue anemone leaves were believed to help with liver problems because its leaf shape and color of the underside resemble liver. Despite the toxicity of the plant, eating the first blue anemone flower in the spring was also believed to help combat colds.

I'm so sleep deprived. I did take a nap after I had little snack when I got home. But I can't seem to be able to wake up anymore. Tomorrow I start at 7 am so I can sleep until 6 am if I take the car to work. Which I think I will. Niklas is coming here this evening and there's no way I can go to bed early.

My husband is making pizza and I'm just lazying around even if the weather is quite nice outside. We took the dogs for a longer walk. Nelson is still not walking as before, but we managed a longer walk with him which is really nice.

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