
The dye that Squirrel was using yesterday doesn't half stain.
It isn't giving any sign of going yet.

It has been a really lazy day and I haven't even unlocked the front door.

On-line I have been accused of being "A Youn (?) Troll' - 'Not Right In The Head' - 'Too Wee' - 'Too Poor' - 'Knowing Nothing About Scotland' - 'Needing To Get A Grip'  - 'Only Getting Information From The Press' (I would love to know where they get information from) ........ all because I happened to say that a list of 10 media manipulation strategies from "one of the most important intellectuals in life today" could be applied to all politicians.
I actually expected more (it may yet come) because the person who posted the article happens to be an SNP supporter.
It just shows that expressing an observation or viewpoint on anti-social media will not get questions or logical 'argument' - just bile.

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