
By pipnat51


Some years ago at a wedding where I was assistant photographer the couple getting married gave all the guests, and us two photographers, a small bag of bulbs for us to plant out and each year we would remember their wedding. A lovely idea and yes they are still married before you ask.
Of course this is where this tulip came from.

On my own today so went for a short walk down the local lanes after morning mass, making the most of a dry day. A couple of red kites wheeling in the sky above were the highlight of the walk although I noticed that the blossom on a few trees and bushes had now turned into small buds before becoming berries or fruit.

Still a lot of dandelions, daisies, forget-me-nots, cowslips, and other yellow flowers about but also cow parsley now starting to flower so possibly by next week the verges will be a white wall of colour.

Home afterwards to prepare some vegetables for our evening meal but leaving the roasting joint for Jayne's expertise.

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