Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Six Hundred ... and One!

Yesterday was my 600th blip entry, but since I missed my second day on Blip, today actually marks six hundred consecutive blips - so it counts! All of which is a roundabout way of saying that I completely missed that yesterday was 600.

Today was a whirlwind. My husband's race team (auto) and a couple of other drivers were here all day today working on the car. Their first race of the season (a 12 hour endurance race) will be at the end of April so it was time to get the car out of mothballs ... literally. Yes, really, they keep mothballs in the car and the trailer all winter as it apparently deters mice. Hm. Anyway, lots of manly grunting and several trips to get "necessary" parts and tools. I played with a few more tulip shots then did a bit of clean up in the garden, planted some poppy seeds and tool this close up of a tufted titmouse. Well, actually I took this from about 5 feet away and then cropped the hell out of it. Same thing.

Today was another mid-50's (F) day which has melted almost all of the 5 inches of snow that fell on Thursday. Yay! Saw quite a few more ladybirds (lady bugs) out today, some with spots, some without. I'm certain you'll be getting another bug blip soon. I even saw a wee spider, about the size of a pencil eraser. He was feeling a bit timid, though, and darted under the siding on the house when I got near. Another day, my leggy friend...

Off to see how the men-folk are doing. See you later, Blippers!


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