
By Ingleman

Rest, And Be Thankful

In preparing this blip I had the theme of gratitude in mind. I moan too much and today I was reminded how lucky I actually am. In many different ways. I had been to town to get some shopping and this scene unfolded as I was passing. I went past it half an hour earlier and it was black as a witch's armpit and pouring with rain. Not worthy of a second glance. But on the way back I was convinced that I am a righteous person as the sun burst through and bathed the scene in glorious golden light. Blip with a capital B.
The most notable Rest and be Thankful is a viewpoint on the A83, climbing out of Glen Croe in Argylle, Scotland, over 800 feet above sea level. Mine is in Wales, about 50 feet above the river Severn, which is denoted by the tree line in the middle distance.
But it is a great spot to rest, and I was truly thankful. 

Great quotes:

Kindness is free.

A smile is contagious

I never met a bitter person who was thankful... Or a thankful person who was bitter. 

And the one that made me cry...

There is no better way to thank God for your sight.. Than to give a helping hand to someone who is in the dark.

That last one was Helen Keller. 

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