
By Marionb

Just Passing Through....

Well, the fun began early this morning. I went over to Thickson's Woods in search of warblers - along with many other folks - and found some! Armed only with my little pocket Canon, my photos are less than sharply focused, but I am grateful that I could get ANY!  What a challenge!  Tiny birds constantly on the move, perching for brief moments very high up in the trees and silhouetted against the sky! Not for beginners!  But ..I did get a couple of shots where the bird was at least recognizable and identifiable ie: the Redstart Warbler (main) and the Yellow Warbler (extra). In the other extra, I added the Baltimore Oriole just because I liked the colours! I did send some time just wandering around through the woods and came across this sign which I thought had a couple of interesting facts...

Thickson's Woods
The great white pines of Thickson's Woods were once reserved for  masts of sailing ships of the British Royal Navy. Now the last remnant of old growth forest along the northern shore of Lake Ontario, Thickson's Woods serves as an important rest stop for many thousands of migrating birds each spring and fall. Threatened by logging in 1983, Thickson's Woods was purchased and preserved through generous contributions of hundreds of caring people, both locally and from as far away as England and Japan.  

Who knew?  Connections to the UK! 
Note to Tryfan46 - Donna and Len's house borders on Thickson's Woods. No wonder they get such neat birds in THIER back yard! 

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