The Chaos Bros

By vik

Monday Morning Fun

With the bigger Bros all packed off to school in gently falling snow Bro4 was a bit desperate to get out to play. The dogs were hyper. Lara may be the older dog but as soon as she sees snow she goes loopy and of course Belle thinks this is brilliant fun.

When the snow stopped we headed for the park with the dogs. Bro4 tried making snow angels and Belle jumped all over him, 'helping,' fortunately he found this hilarious even when his face got covered in snow.

After a while with more snow filled clouds looming over the hills we went home for hot chocolate and homemade brownies.

I've decided baking is the way forward, we have a bountiful supply of eggs from our ducks and 4 hungry boys to feed. So far a victoria sponge and brownies have been a success so if anyone has any good cake recipes, not too tricky though, then send them our way :-)

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