Transmission mode only..

By Mobius


Had a busy, very interesting & highly productive day!

Eggs & Honey (Bees)
Enjoyed 3.5 mile egg run (bike ride 7), but could feel latent tiredness from Sundays ride. Then a drive to re-stock with Greville's honey. He further extended my layman's knowledge of beekeeping in fascinating detail about how beekeepers & the worker bees control re-queening hives, managing both new, existing and merged colonies, managing the type of bee created (ie Drone, Queen or Worker).

Church Sound System & Memorial Garden
Was asked (and accepted) to tend (ie weed and tidy) the small memorial garden (of ashes), just in front and right of the bench in the distance. Late afternoon, met up with Mrs Host from the Hopbarn to be shown and demo'd the church sound systems. It was useful beyond my wildest expectations and her experience as a pragmatic sound artist was invaluable in cutting to the chase on what our requirements were, what we probably needed and the options. She acted as an enormous ladder taking me most of the way to the end, avoiding numerous snakes!

Village Parish Council Meeting   
Attended the first meeting as a member of the public F2F in the village hall. As usual they were as obstructive as usual, making me chase for details and during the meeting. On arriving I removed my face mask, seeing that all the committee members were mask-less. I the re-placed it on being instructed that members of the public were required to wear face masks. A little later I challenged why the time for public comments had been removed from the agenda to be told that it was to reduce Covid risk (as well as the mask wearing). Red rag to a bull I commented that if they were that concerned, then they should all be wearing masks too. It was clearly a status and suppression measure in my mind. Fortunately the newly elected district councillor was in attendance for that part, and low and behold at the end of the meeting, an agenda item was added offering the public the chance to speak. I declined saying I had nothing further to add to my occasional very brief unofficial comments during the meeting (much to the annoyance of the few usual committee members). Useful info obtained and well worth attending.  

The picture was taken spending a few minutes on a bench just prior to the meeting.

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