Before Dancing.

Well, we made it to dancing.

Alexandra works close to the new dance studio, so came over to see her before she went in.

Mia still wasn't happy, but Tahnee took her and we left.

When they finished I was told she'd had a good time.  But Mia, burst into tears, because she hadn't given her Mum a 'kissy cuddle'.

So, I phoned Alexandra and she came over to see her.  Mia then had the biggest smile on her face.

Tahness's new dance studio is amazing.  It has 3 big studios, with mirrors and barres.  There's a lot of work to do, to get it fitted out completely.  But they're getting there.

There has been a lot of excitement about moving to this new studio.  it has been a huge undertaking for Tahnee and her family.

Sadly, in the midst of all this she was given the news that her cancer is not in remission.

But you'd never know.  She is so full of life, and is determined it's not going to beat her.

Had to pick Isabella up from school again.  She showed me her work book.  I'm amazed at how much she's learnt already.  Her reading is really coming along.

Funny moment today.

Mia:  I'm a big girl.

Grandpa:  You're a big, big, big girl.

Mia:  I'm not a huge girl!

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