
By JennyOwen

An early start...

Eben didn't fall asleep last night till after 9. I think that after all the interruptions of the various lockdowns, coming to stay over with 'Nanna and Richard'  has ceased to be routine and taken on far more special connotations (however mundane our actual activities may be). Complacently - as he's usually a good sleeper - I thought he'd sleep in a bit this morning. Well... so much for that theory. He was up and about at 5.40 a.m. :-)

Consequently we're both feeling a bit faded now, not least because Richard has been co-facilitating a conference on Zoom all day, and has another day of that to come tomorrow.

However, no complaints.  Eben and I flopped in front of the TV for the early part of the morning, eating toast.  Later we revisited a few favourite games: Cluedo, and some word and letter-matching games. Eventually he homed in on the Brio building kit, which he loves.  Here he is, adding a wholly new vehicle and set of adventures to the Thunderbirds team.  I think this is Thunderbird 20!

I also dropped in on Jack, Marianna and Frieda this afternoon. And tonight we're off to a couple of friends nearby, for a meal, with all the novelty of eating together indoors.  That's if we can stay awake past 8.30 p.m....

Thanks to everyone who has left stars, hearts and comments for Wednesday's Bempton Cliffs birds. I really appreciate it, and will catch up with reciprocal comments bit by bit.

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