Eeek I've been inside a cafe for a lunch and inside the shop - panic!!!!

After my great Monday morning Tai Chi session this morning, Hubby and I left G in charge of the house and headed for Barrow.  We wanted to go to Stollers (furniture store) as we really do need a new 3 piece suite.

So we visited their 1905 Cafe for lunch first - which is within the store eeeekkk.  I must admit I could feel the panic in my tummy, just a bit.  It soon settled down though as they are very good.  Table service only, lots of space and lots of sanitiser throughout the store.

After that we have a look around furniture.  For those that don't know Stollers in a family-run furniture store and is all on one level and is so big big and airy so you don't need to bump into anyone.

After trying all the sofa's we liked, and some we weren't sure about we ended up buying the first set we saw.  Well ordering it anyway.  Plus a set of nest tables.  Exciting huh!!!  We were going to do this last year but of course that didn't happen and I couldn't buy sofa's on-line myself as I need to make sure they are comfortable, not too low or too soft.  It was quite a surreal feeling to go furniture shopping again.  I'd hate to go in a closed in shop though, at least this was big and airy.  Weird huh as it's never bothered me before!!!!!

Apparently it will take 10-14 weeks, which is usual.  We are wondering if it may even be longer as apparently there is a world shortage of foam at the moment, for many reasons, including weather and covid!!!

They could end up arriving at the same time as the new windows are being installed - oh the upheaval to look forward too.

After this Hubby needed to go to Tool Station to pick up something he had put on order last night.  That was great it was there waiting for  him and it only took about 2 minutes.

We then drove home via the Coast Road, having got a bit lost around the back roads of Barrow!!!!  Ended up at Roose and then sort of knew our way from there.

I stopped along a stretch that I hadn't stopped at before, Newbiggin area I think near a small holiday park called Seacroft..  It was empty, all apart from one other couple and the weather was lovely.  So I went for a stroll with the camera whilst Hubby stayed in the car admiring the view and getting over the hole in his wallet!!!???

The main photo looks towards Piel Island and the Ship Inn on the Island are now looking for new tennants.  There is a petition to save the Pub apparently.   I must admit having visited before the pandemic on a lovely summers day it is a lovely pub and the food was really good, so I do hope someone takes it up.  

In the extras you can see the view if I turned 180 degrees to my left.

All in all a good day.  It's going to be weird because we've had our current 3 piece suite for well over 35 years now.  It  has been recovered once but has an Ercol base and that is still very sound.  But we do need to update a bit and we've gone for a 2 seater sofa instead of a 3 seater one, which will hopefully help with space.

That's all for today.  Do take care and say safe and see you all tomorrow. 

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