Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Clouds Looming Large!

It's crazy to think the sky can show a glimmer of bright blue skies yet also clouds as black as the night right beside them. I felt like I was waiting for the storm clouds to burst as I strolled the valley this evening. They did burst but only once and it was short lived...which is not quite what can be said for the current driving rain!

It's very intriguing to read and hear about the new travel guidelines in place for set localities as a result of surges in the Indian variant of Covid. Kirklees is one such area which they're asking you avoid travelling in, and out, of. It's literally a stone's throw from where my school is, in Calderdale. I know there's always got to be a line drawn on where local authorities start and finish, but it is a strange thing!!

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