The Moon Again

This time it’s setting behind the flank of Abners Head. Taken at 6.29 am from my back doorstep. There was the worst frost yet this season, and once the moon vanished it was very dark.

My moonset collection.

EDIT: It is now 11.30 pm. I have been watching the lunar eclipse. At first there appeared to be a bite taken from one side of the moon. The bite got bigger, rather like the phases of the moon speeded up. Now the moon is in full eclipse. It is nearly directly overhead so it appears much smaller that when it is low. However, it is luminous, a soft creamy pink, with a bright spark on the bottom. The sky is clear so that the moon is surrounded by a plethora of sparkling stars. A breathtaking sight. Sorry, no photos. I don't have the skill or the gear to capture it.

I had to go to Christchurch again today. Spent most of the time hanging around waiting for this or for that. One good thing- my car passed the warrant of fitness again. There’s nothing like a last century car!

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