Day 430 Busy!

When I say I'm busy, that is relative of course, but this morning I did have to get up and downstairs rather earlier than usual in order to greet the two ladies who are going to help me with the house work for the foreseeable  future.  Having organised them, I then needed to get to my physio appointment which unfortunately I had booked for 10am.  This morning's session was hard but very worthwhile:  I've not been able to do leg raises, from either reclining or lying down for some years now and that is my next target.  Efforts on the operated side looked patheic but my physio said she could see the muscle contracting with the effort which was good enough for today.  My new motto is to be  'Not I can't, but I will try'.
When I returned home a number of bees were busy working the flowers in the fron garden where I took a few shots, this being one of them.  Some of the roses are in bud and almost open but I've not put those pics up because close examination of them revealed that the greenfly are already visiting:  useful to know but not terribly attractive.

In other news:  Dominic Cummings of Barnard Castle fame, has reared up again making 'explosive claims' about the government's handling of the pandemic.  They've been far from perfect for sure, but it's hard to believe someone who has lied about his own actions and would now have us believe that last year's jaunt with his family to Durham was because they had received death threats.  Astonishing.

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