Grey Wagtail

I think still a juvenile as, according to an ornithologist friend, an adult would have a longer tail. I saw it flitting about on the debris that's collected at the end of the pontoon. It's almost as if the local authority didn't know that the river is tidal here when it decided to build the wretched thing. I'm not sure this is the best place for a wagtail to live but there's probably good pickings for insects.

A busy morning doing two online interviews for the evaluation project I'm (slightly) involved with. The interviews were fine and the recordings were trouble free. The problem arose when I tried to transfer them to the secure shared file. Yet again I was almost exploding with frustration. Some people have to do this every day and I'm so glad that I'm not one of them.

To calm myself down I walked across town to the dentist. A sentence you don't read very often. All good there and very covid-safe. Home now and sitting in the garden which is just about comfortable today thanks to a bit of a hike in the temperature.

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