Go back my Lord, there's TWO of them.

So ends a joke involving Edward the 1st, "The Hammer o' the Scots" & the Scots themselves.
Some time last year I was presented with this.  I can no longer remember if it was one, two, or a group.
Today I started to weed my way around the border in the front garden.  Had Clicky asked how it was, I'd have had NO idea; had she asked where it was I could have homed in to within 1-2 feet of it.
I remembered "Saxifrage" but not which one; a search yielded a sort of confusion.  Thank The Lord for "Gardeners' Latin".

"Strawberry begonia (Saxifraga stolonifera) is called by a few names including strawberry geranium and roving sailor.
Interestingly, while it take both the begonia and geranium names, it is neither of these two plants. But, it bears a close resemblance to them. This is something you’ll notice with many common names. That is, they’ll be called a certain name based on their looks or a feature they have similar with another plant."
I'm guessing the "Strawberry" part comes as a result of the "Stolonifera" propagation method.
NOW - lets' see, having survived winter outdoors, if it'll now multiply clear of weed strangulation?

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