
By cowgirl

Gluggle jugs


I took mum to a fairly local farm shop restaurant for lunch. She’d been before and liked it so I thought it was time I tried it! The food was lovely, the staff very cheerful and helpful and the social distancing and mask wearing made it all feel quite safe and relaxed.

The ordering via the app from your table was novel and I have to say I liked it. If you didn’t have a smart phone they do come to your table to take your order, but it’s nice not to be standing in a queue waiting for the people in front of you to chose or feeling like you’re holding up the queue whilst you chose!

After lunch we had a wander around the shop where I bought some spelt flour ready for a future sourdough loaf ( god, it’s become an addiction! ) and mum a birthday card, the recipient of which may be blipped tomorrow. Or not ... depends what mood he’s in!

Then I spent far too long browsing the gins ( which predictive text always ‘corrects’ to guns ... Big Brother would have broken down the door by now if I hadn’t corrected the correction each time ;-))))))) ) ...... Then I moved on to the gift section and came across these jugs.

Why am I so drawn to them? Have a look here; https://nelsonsdistillery.co.uk/product/gluggle-jug-gin/

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