a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Sipping the cup of nectar

A macro shot of a tiny little wasp sipping nectar from one of the forget-me-nots in the garden.  If you think about the diameter of a single forget-me-not bloom - perhaps 1cm tops, you get a pretty good idea of the scale of this little thing.  

I would have liked to have had the focus further forward by a millimetre or so, but given that this is hand held and that the wasp is only on the flower for a few seconds, its not that bad a shot.

The extra is a Holly Blue - another a smaller rather fluttery butterfly that rarely sits still for long and - frustratingly doesn't ever seem to want to open its wings when at rest.  I've blipped it from the side before but rather liked this more unusual top down perspective.

I had a Skype call with Dad earlier, who at nearly 90 is in a local Care Home, suffering with Parkinson's disease.  I had been dreading telling him that we had completed the sale of his home.  When you realise that Dad bought the house with Mum back in 1967 and had lived there continuously until his move to a Care Home last year, you can imagine that this might have been a difficult conversation, even though he knew that the sale was going through.  In the event it wasn't that important to him and we spent most of our  time discussing his impending birthday and the doings of various family members.

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