Windmill 'De Kameel', Schiedam

'Kameel' sounds like 'ka-MAIL' and means 'camel'.
First you had The Palm Tree, and now you have The Camel!
They're not far from each other.
You'd think there should be a windmill nearby called 'The Oasis' and perhaps another one called 'The Tent'.  *fit of giggles*   But, nope, none of those.

This was Plan B.  Plan A was a windmill further along the A20, but a traffic accident led to a snap change of plans.  As I was next to the Schiedam exit, I thought why not.  After all, Schiedam has eight, and now I've done two.

Beautiful day again!  Back home, the usual genealogy research, plus some housework (just some), and AW had a glorious time in the garden.

I'll tell you a little secret -- PTSD victims have to learn how to enjoy the nice things that come their way.  They are the people who have to pinch themselves half a dozen times to be sure the nice moments they're experiencing are not just going to evaporate in minutes.  It can be difficult to have a nice day.  It can be a challenge to convince oneself that one deserves to have such a day and be a part of it and really get into it, and not think that it will be snatched away like before.  The fears are very real inside one's head, even while one is aware that they're nothing more than the result of wrongly rewired circuits.

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