
By JennyOwen


A slightly murky start to the day, but the sun broke through quickly, bringing bright blue skies.
Ruth came round with Eben, to dismantle a large double bed that we've had in our spare bedroom. It's 'cabin bed' height, with storage space underneath. We want to replace it with a bed at normal height that will be easier for visitors to use, and also safer for grandkids on overnight stays. Ruth and Josh are keen to have the storage space it offers, so it makes sense to pass it on.
Eben brought with him the little toolkit that we gave him for his birthday. With a little initial help to loosen some particularly obstinate screws, he was soon well away with the dismantling process, loving it. Then we went off into the garden to sit in the sunshine, with the hammock up for the first time this year.  Ruth and I had a bit of a catch up about how her job is going.

I've still got the stubborn head cold, but it's easing off day by day. Thanks to all who've sent good wishes about it.  Ruth brought fresh plantain leaves with her, as she has a trained herbalist friend who recommends it (combined with ginger, in an infusion) to combat coughs and colds.We'll see how that goes.

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