Fotografic Friends

A painful night thanks to yesterday's fall...I hobbled to see Ed in the prison. A brilliant hour with him, rich conversation. Because he's in solitary confinement as a quarantine measure, we were in a different place for our glass visit, much more peaceful than usual. 
Straight from prison Asha and I met up with this pair, Nick & his son, Blue. Nick is the editor of a newspaper here so our paths have crossed for various reasons. He messaged me recently to ask if we could get the kids together as he was sure they'd get on well. He was right, they hit it off! We'd arranged to walk around Dalt Vila and each kid have a camera. They absolutely loved it and took some genuinely great photos!
Home and shattered, and achy and sore...but it was worth it! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Good conversation with Ed.
2) Asha and Blue getting on well - see extra.
3) Propolis, though it hurt when putting it on the wound!! 

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