Gait Barrows

A morning walk around part of Gait Barrows NNR.

It’s one of the best preserved limestone pavement areas in the UK, although suffering damage from “mining” in the 1960’s to provide stone for people’s garden rockeries. Fortunately, there are parts of the site where the clints and grikes can still be appreciated. The small stunted trees which grow out of the grikes can be hundreds of years old apparently.

On leaving two chaps with cameras and zoom lenses coming the other way asked if we had seen “ it”. I asked what “it” was. The Duke of Burgundy Fritillary (or butterfly), obviously. So that was a no from us. But the area has its specialities, so we’ll no doubt be back to have a look, although I am not worried about not seeing things. It’s just good to know they’re there.

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