Shep in the Meadow

We've had a quiet day pottering in garden and allotment, to come round from the busy weekend.   Rickie and Michael came in the morning to bed in the first gate post from the smashing gate they have made for us, then we had a fun Skype with Euan and Becky with more incey wincey; lots of water pouring; 'Pardon' said the Giraffe and much 'Boo'.  Euan can now say 'more please' and at one point was saying, 'More Boo Please'.  

We brought down the hanging baskets and the jardinière from the greenhouse and I fed all the pots and mowed the grass.  Did I say we were having a quiet day?  It's been a lovely day for staying outside.

Jen and Pete came back from taking niece Mia to Go Ape for her birthday treat and we sat out in the evening warmth chatting until dinner was ready. 

Meanwhile the mini meadow is taking off again and Shep has her favourite spot.  She has been munching on the chicory in her salad bar, which is good because it tends to dominate the meadow.  The cotoneaster flowers are opening up and the shrub was literally buzzing with bees, it must be particularly tasty.

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