Mono Monday: Week 384 ....

... Contains a silent letter.

Sir Chippy Knight defending his castle!

Today was simply lovely and Richard and I were able to get out for a nice walk.  We started at Jacobsburg State Park looking for frogs and/or hummingbirds.  We saw a couple of frogs in the frog pond but didn't see any hummingbirds.  For some reason unknown to us Ranger Rick hasn't put up any hummingbird feeders in the areas that he has in the past.  Maybe once the beebalm starts blooming we will see the hummingbirds.

After leaving Jacobsburg we drove to the Plainfield Rail Trail for our longer walk.  With today being a holiday (Memorial Day) and the first day without rain there were lots of walkers, joggers and cyclists on the trail. We get very frustrated with the cyclists when they come up on you quickly but don't warn you of their presence.  There isn't much cycling etiquette these days.  Anyway ....

When we got home I sat on the deck for a little while before going into the sunroom to read the papers.  I set up this little castle for Sir Chippy Knight right outside the sunroom and got lots of pictures of him going in and out of it.  So cute! Earlier in the day I had set up the castle on the deck ... see extra. 

Thanks go out to Laurie54 for hosting Mono Monday all this month. 

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