At Brick Bay for lunch

Not at the actual bay which is around a headland; indeed not even at the edge of Snells beach which is about 500m further down Arabella Lane.

Nor at the vineyard, or even the winery.

Neither did we go on the walk around the sculpture trail, although this is one of the large pieces which can be seen on the trail.

However, this sculpture is best seen from the Brick Bay restaurant, where we enjoyed a leisurely lunch with S' brother and his wife, and our good friend, who enjoys playing golf with the brother. From one of the outside areas of the restaurant I took this photo. I like the way that the reflection of the leafless branches of a tree across the small lake appear to be in the stainless steel canoe. (Inverting the photo gives a fun image)

Back at Fidelis, I decided that work on the weeding out the back was more appealing than another trip to the water's edge for birds (the tide was wrong), or along the road for a run (still tired after yesterday). The extra is a photo of the side where I have removed bucket loads of weeds, providing a space for flower seeds to be thrown.

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