
By Beinghere

Kilrenny Common

No big walk for us today. We had a lovely stroll around Innergelly Wood, and Kilrenny Common this afternoon, then popped into the supermarket for a few things.

Earlier I had a productive and interesting video chat with Kirsty. It left me feeling confident and positive about my life and the way I’m living it.

Other than that I’ve just been pottering in the garden, weeding and tidying up. I’ve got an idea for a raised bed, so I phoned Gary to consult him. He groaned, and said, let me think about it. Gary is my friend first, but he works as a handy man, which is a huge help. Most of his customers are single older people who need a bit of manpower for some things.

So, I’m going to haul out all the wood from behind the shed and see if any of it is fit to use, then work out some sizes.

It will be good to have a new project.

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