"Can't say Jamamia…

…too hard a word."
I must have been a precocious little twerp.  Mam and Dad decided it was time to stop S.P.E.L.L.I.N.G. words the day I referred to a lady of the village as a    "Bee eye itch"
Did you know that the domesticated "Geraniums" are all, actually, pelargoniums and all the wild "Cranes'Bills" are Geraniums.
STILL - doesn't matter, it was a Pelargonium/Geranium I found to be "too hard a word".
Thursday this week actually fell on a Thursday and I'd picked "The line." as our wander route; on account of it being both flat, and littered with Check-points allowing me to check progress. 
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * 
Best thus far with a "mighty" 7,150 paces under my belt and it's still only 19:58.  Not that I anticipate many more before I kip.

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