Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


I was back out on my local patch after a few days away, ready to see what the recent better weather has brought out.

There were quite a few butterflies, but still mostly in ons and twos: Speckled Wood, Small Tortoiseshell, Orange-tip, Peacock, Comma and various other whites. Small Heath was new for the year locally, although I'd seen plenty a couple of days ago in Wales. And moths: Cinnabar, first Chimney Sweeper, Brown Silver-line and several others that couldn't be stalked.

It was the dragonflies that provided the highlight of the day though - lots of Azure and Blue-tailed damselflies, and then this fine Broad-bodied Chaser (main image) which allowed me to study it at close quarters.

It was nice to be able to dawdle around as I'm still on leave, and the weekend ahead.

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