Hello Lovely Blippers, 

At the end of this month it will be a year since Admirer passed away, but we have tried to keep her memory alive every week with a silly Saturday Blip, and today is no exception.

Because of Covid, all the playgrounds are closed, which of course is very sensible, but sometimes we like to play on a merry-go-round.  Between them Mr and Mrs HCB have rigged this one up so that we could all have a go!  It wasn’t easy but we all waited patiently while they tweaked and messed about with bits of wire and all sorts of other stuff they found in their garage, so here we are enjoying the merry-go-round in their garden. They were even kind enough to make a swing for Hoggy - because he said he was scared of heights!

Mr HCB usually hangs the squirrel-proof bird feeders on this black thingy, but he very kindly moved them for us.  However, we were a bit anxious because we thought that the great tits, the goldfinches and the other birds might just land on us and peck us, thinking that we were food, but fortunately they went to the other bird feeder a little bit further along. 

It’s a beautiful morning, the sky is blue, and the sun is shining so we are hoping to have a good day in the garden with the HCBs.  We might even go and help Mr HCB in his greenhouse, we’re sure he’d be very pleased to have some help, or perhaps we could help Mrs HCB do some weeding.  We have even taken off our hats and scarves because it is lovely and warm, although Penny Penguin still feels the cold, so she decided to keep her hat and scarf on.

When we’ve finished doing all the work, we thought we might play hide and seek in the long grass – you should see the grass in their garden it hasn’t been mowed for several weeks now, so it’s very long, and there are lots of daisies, buttercups, clover and other wild flowers as well as lots of insects.  There are also lots of lovely pots in their garden so we could hide behind them because some of them are very big!  So who needs to go out to a playground when we can have so much fun here in the HCBs’ garden? 

We think that Admirer would enjoy seeing us playing and it would make her smile to see us having so much fun together, because isn’t that what life should be about, having fun with those you care about?

Take care and look after those you love - life is precious and we should all live every moment of every day to the full and we should certainly make sure we laugh every day! 

With love to you all, 

J H Ted, Tiny, Snowy, Penny Penguin and Hoggy xxxxx

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