
By JeanSnaps

Who's got a long tongue ?

A bad start this morning.  I woke at quarter to eight and lay thinking about what I planned to do.  Came to again after ten. I seem to be sleeping for Britain at the moment and felt  my day was completely mucked up.  But it didn't turn out like that.  All the things I intended to do got done with a couple of extras.   Andy's daughter Emma turned up unexpectedly which was lovely.   We had coffee and cake and lots of chat.  She is looking really well.  I think being pregnant agrees with her.  It was so great that the IVF treatment worked.
After she went I did some weeding and caught another bee in action.   I was pleased to capture it with it's tongue rolled into a long tube to suck up nectar with.  Spent some time sorting out places that Bob and Alison might like in Galloway.  There are so many and I'm trying to make a list of the ones I think are best and reasonably close to where they are staying.
All I have to do now is go for a walk and lie on the sofa reading or watching TV.   Bliss !

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