Woody Wednesday (Wednesday 2nd June 2021)

I took some pictures early in the morning before Refna arrived, including these climbing dog roses (rosa canina) that burst into colour a couple of days previously. I planted these against my neighbours' garage wall some thirty years ago.

While she was pruning and tidying things I was doing miscellaneous jobs and pulling up bindweed., so a satisfying morning, and sheltered by all the trees from the unexpected 27 degree shade heat measured on my weather station.

Day 14 - Decaying Budding Irises  #1  #2

Sunday 6.6.2021 (1925 hr)

Blip #3444 (#3194 + 250 archived blips taken 27.8.1960-18.3.2010)
Consecutive Blip #002
Blips/Extras In 2021 #100/266 + #062/100 Extras
Day #4087 (900 gaps from 26.3.2010)
LOTD #2587 (#2428 + 159 in archived blips)

Old Forge series
Roses series
Flora series
Woodland Garden
Wildflowers series

Taken with Pentax K-50 (Yellow) and Sigma AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 APO DG Macro lens

In The Woodland Garden, 2 June 2021 (Flickr album of 15 photos)

The Woodland Garden (June 2021) (Flickr album)(Work in progress)

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Marsha Hunt - Walk On Gilded Splinters (1969)
I have been buying Jon Savage's excellent curations of sixties singles that started with 1965. Up until 1968 each 2CD set covered a single year and spanned all the genres he collected, but the one that turned up in this day's post, Rock Dreams On 45 - Revolution and its aftermath, concentrated on rock music alone and covered 1969-1971.
Marsha Hunt was another performer that I saw at Mother's Club and I remember catching her eye from the audience. She performed this, of course, a single I knew well from my own record collection, and I was also very familiar with Dr John's original version of the song. The B-side was a Marc Bolan song, probably the first ever cover of a Tyrannosaurus Rex song. Jon Savage has included the album version of the A-side from 1971 - the same as the single but mixed for stereo.

One Year Ago:
Templars Firs (A duck)

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