Himalayan blue poppy

I've done A LOT today.

First thing, Mr hazelh and I gardened.

Mid-morning we put our tools away and went indoors to cook for our lunchtime guests. On the menu were: salmon pâté; roast chicken with roast potatoes, carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, and cabbage; and fruit salad. I also made a special polenta, sweet potato, mushroom and baby tomato dish for our vegan visitor.

Our guests arrived at 1pm. For the first time since early March 2020 Hall, Cruickshank & Ryan (several dates) were reunited! Their spouses Sam and Elly were present too. The reason for our get-together was to celebrate Peter's recent PhD success so (inevitably) drinks on the patio started with Champagne.

Between the main course and pudding Peter, Sam, Mr hazelh and I wandered down to the botanic garden. Here I admired and photographed the blue poppies (and wondered whether I could grow some?)

Then it was back to the flat to continue the fun over fruit salad before our guests had to head home and rescue Granny from their small children.

This evening I returned to the garden to finish off the jobs that I started this morning (including planting out the courgettes that I have grown from seeds), watered the plants at the front and back, and helped Mr hazelh make soup with fresh chicken stock and the left-over vegetables from  lunchtime.

I also prepared for the arrival of two special (blipper) guests tomorrow.

Exercise today: nothing formal, but I have been on my feet most of the time and have racked up some steps (12,742 according to my phone).

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