A time for everything

By turnx3

Rose garden by the river

We enjoyed a lovely service at church this morning, with beautiful music and a good message. Afterwards, we came home, to join in the church Zoom bible study we started a few weeks back. We didn’t have one last week, since it was the reception for Dan and Debbie.
After a bit of lunch and a FaceTime chat with Laura, we drove down to the riverfront in Cincinnati to enjoy the sunny warm afternoon. Roger’s still not up to doing much walking with his knee, so we went at our own individual pace, but it was a good place for him, as it’s flat, with frequent opportunities to sit down, where you can enjoy the river views. I continued at a faster pace, until I reached the rose garden, then my pace dramatically slowed while I took lots of photos!
This evening, we enjoyed our dinner on the patio, but only just got done in time, as we had a bit of a rain storm come through - though it didn’t last very long. Then we watched some of the tennis highlights from Roland Garros over the weekend.
Step count: 6,580

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