Weeds, clouds and mountains!

Another glorious day.  Had a chat this morning with one of the journalists on the Oban Times. She’s very helpful and enthusiastic when it come to Keep Oban Beautiful stuff, so we made plans for a new article sometime when I can get round to writing it. I also asked if KOB might be allowed a small monthly column so she’s going to look into that. Every little helps!

Decided to go back and clean up my veggie bed at the polytunnel after lunch, tho’ maybe it wasn’t such a good idea as it was just too hot in there! I finally got the weeds out and the bed dug over and my tomatoes planted. Phew – I should have chosen a cloudy day! Driving back along the glen to Taynuilt I just had to stop several times to photograph Ben Cruachan – it was looking amazing with the wonderful sky.

Quote of the Day:

Jane Austen – “What are men to rocks and mountains?”

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