Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I had radiation treatment #11 this morning which means only 10 more to go and that means I'm past the halfway mark!   I wish I had the energy to launch a celebration, but I am sideways with fatigue at the moment so celebrations will have to wait.  First up this morning was my final visit with the surgeon who removed the nasty thing in April.  It was an easy visit - the incisions are both healing very well and I need no further surgical follow up.  

From her office, I went straight to radiation then home.  By then it was noon and I was so tired I could barely keep my head up so I went upstairs and slept for about 3 hours.  I awoke to thunder and lightening which triggered our power to go out.  Having nothing better to do, I went out to the deck and sat under the canopy and shot some pics.  

I knew straight away that I would blip this one.  I love our big American Robins (unlike the European robins, ours are thrushes) and they are usually not very cooperative for shots.  But this one flew up, perched directly in front of me (15 feet), splayed his tail and then took off.  Happily, I was able to get a clean shot.  I think this is the first of this species I've blipped this year, making this #32.

The power just came back on, so I am going to take a shower while Hubs makes dinner.  Yes I have a wonderful husband, the best.

Be well and let me know what chocolate you are liking today...


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